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Writer's pictureKatherine Chaudhri

A Short but Happy Letter

The letters Elizabeth McGee McCartney wrote to her husband while he was involved in the Vicksburg campaign reveal the limited education available in remote villages in the Midwest and portray a range of emotions. That of June 28, 1863 is a light hearted example:

My Deare Husband

I received your letter of the 10 this eavening also one from Joseph Grant. Well thinks you Jo grant is wrighting to my wife all redy yes and I have written to him what do you think of that sir it is true and help your selfe if you can it is no use for you to git jealous of me for you have all redy made an agreement not to be jealous

Well I was glad to here from you and to here that you are well gives me mutch satisfaction at all times We have had a vary hard raine here it commenced last night and rained all night and day to day and is still misting I am tired of so mutch rain and slop but the gardens wanted some rain I have bin hoeing in the garden but the ground is so soft that it wont make any thing with all the work in the world but it has not had half a nuf work this summer well the truth is I have written something to you here lately and you do not git them that I have all most got out of patince and have not got any thing to write I think there is as mutch as half a dozen letters on the way to you unless some one else has kept them Jane says some one has got my likeness and see how good looking I am and so they kept the letters

Well I have bin and made some litte bread and put it to rise so I will have something good to eat and while it is rising I will be telling you all that I can think of Perhaps you would like to know what Jo Grant rote to me for well he wants me to board his little girl so she can go to school I told him I would bord hur a while is that right or not

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